Wednesday, December 30, 2009

When Is The Fsh Lh Blood Test Taken

Tomorrow is the last day of the year and I have not written since last month ...


Lately I have been absorbed, and the few free time I have spent time with Silvana and my family ...

What else I can tell?

Ah yes, see Avatar, they recommend ...

Ahhh! also, 11 this was my birthday, thank you very much to everyone who congratulated me and I promise ...

write more later.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Model F6d4050 Belkin N150

Maracaibo II Office ONIDEX

These links are the updated information for the offices of the ONIDEX - SAIME in Maracaibo. information is constantly changing with respect to the location of the office but I think you are "fixed" (quotation marks) as according to the director or coordinator of the Saime being organized. Offices

ONIDEX Maracaibo (SAIME) Office Onidex Maracaibo II - III Maracaibo - Maracaibo IV - V Maracaibo - Maracaibo VI

ONIDEX Accounts Passport to deposit

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Waterproof Money Holders

Google Chrome is Good Shit

I had already matured, I thought I had grown up, I thought I had passed .. But No! Google Chrome remains a shit!

Ok, I tried it .. at first it looked great, everyone remembers his global launch what happened? everyone started to uninstall ... it was slow, did not load well, it was heavy, threw errors .. etc

Today I put a post where Google launches Chrome for Mac and Linux platforms, thinking he had matured and improved ... But No! the same disappointment again ..

confirm The Blogger ..


Until Google Chrome not fix the problems with the main pages of the world (Facebook, Youtube etc. ..) may not exceed one, least the same. It will remain aesthetically, functionally wrong.

I'll stick with my Internet Explorer 8 .

Yes, Internet Explorer, so what? linuxero Paju. You can never deny that you did with Windows .. hahahaha

Ejaculation En Public

Google Chrome for Mac and Linux

As a child, there was nothing more unbearable to see the presents piled under the Christmas tree knowing I could not open them until the morning after Christmas. The Google Chrome team, we had the same feeling as we worked to get ready for Chrome beta versions for Mac, Linux and extensions. It's been a long road, but today we can remove the three main items on the list of wishes of our users.

Google Chrome for Mac (Beta)

We have been working hard to provide a first class browser for the Mac - took longer than expected, but we hope that was worth the wait. Google Chrome We wanted the feel at home on the Mac, so we focused on uniting our clean, simple, with subtle animations and effects to create a fast browsing experience and satisfactory. As you would expect, the speed of Google Chrome for Mac is something we feel very proud. If you have a Mac, install the beta test and check your speed.

Mac Requirements: Intel CPU, Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

Download the Desired channel: Beta Then drag the app to the usual place.

Google Chrome for Linux (Beta)

In Google, most engineers use Linux machines, so it certainly was very important to have Google Chrome for Linux. Like Google Chrome for Windows and Mac, we have focused on speed, stability and security, but also wanted high-performance browser that integrates well with the Linux ecosystem. This includes a close integration with native GTK themes, updates are managed by a system package manager standard, and many other features that fit naturally with the operating system.

Linux Requirements: Intel Pentium 4 / Athlon 64 or later CPU, 32 - or 64-bit Ubuntu 8.04 or later, or 32-bit Debian 5. Support For Other Linux distributions is Planned; unpacking the. Deb files work by hand May.

Note: Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will Chrome Automatically keep up to date. If You Do not want Google's repository, do " sudo touch / etc / default / google-chrome " before Installing the package. Download and install

the Appropriate package for your system (just Clicking on Should it do the right thing):

Google Chrome for Linux on various topics GTK

We stress the considerable support received from the open source community (open source). More than 50 open source contributors have worked on Chromium and have been a particularly significant help to deliver our Linux version for Google Chrome. For more details of the beta release of Google Chrome for Linux, check out the Google Chromium blog.

Extensions Google Chrome for Windows and Linux (Beta)

When Google Chrome initially launched in September 2008, we knew we wanted you to be easy customize your browser extensions. We also wanted to create extensions easily create and maintain, and preserve the speed and stability of Google Chrome. The Google Chrome extensions achieve these goals: they are so easy to create Web pages as easy to install, and each extension runs its own process to avoid making significantly slow down the browser.

If you use a PC or a Linux machine, you can review the more than 300 extensions in the gallery, including a few extensions quite nice, helpful and friendly. Extensions are not yet in the Mac beta quality, but you can see a preview of those developers in the channel very soon. And if you're a Web developer, you can get more information on how to write extensions for Google Chrome in the Chromium blog.

hope that the betas for Mac, Linux and extensions were some things on your wish list this year. We would like to thank the Mac and Linux users who tested our first version of Google Chrome on these platforms, as well as developers who wrote wonderful extensions for Google Chrome. In case you're wondering what we would like for the holidays, we are always eager to get feedback and why not, a great new extension.

By: Brian Rakowski, Manager Product

For more information about the features of Google Chrome, please visit the Help Center Google Chrome .

For information about the latest updates, see the Google Chrome Blog (English only).

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Face Redness 15 Minutesafter Eating

all started when the computer is constantly trying to break into this site. The Anti detect a phishing attack. Complete analysis of the virus not get anywhere.

has proven to be denied access to sites:
  • Grisoft
  • ESET NOD32
  • F-prot
  • Jotti Kaspersky F-Secure
  • ComputerAssociates
  • Networkassociates
  • eTrust Panda Sophos
  • McAfee TrendMicro
  • Symantec Norton
  • Microsoft
  • Defender Rootkit
  • Malware Spyware Virus
When you try to update antivirus gives an error of IP-protocol network. Really quite funny! But did not win.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

How To Tighten Double D Ring Belt

closed and the People Died Mininova Torrents

The 26 November decided to remove all links to download torrents leaving room only copyrighted content (content only "legal" ). The owners decided to do for fear of a sentence (appeal) of a court in the Netherlands.

Millions of files are no longer shared by cowardly and fearful of their owners , which for years enjoyed your site earnings are generated at the expense of seeders and leechers (people who shared those files). It was a well-ordered page (Music, Movies, TV Series, Video Games, etc..) Where they had access to so many movies, shows, discos ... . You could leave comments and basically shared all of those files.

This reminds me of the avant-garde and NAPSTER KAZAA, both closed (or became too "legal") after being the most popular Internet. But his death only served as martyrs, because when they died were born I-Mesh, Wire Lemmon, E-Mule, Lime Wire, Ares .... and many other file sharing programs.

The same happens with Torrents ... Mininova closed, but still the popular thepiratebay (with a ruling against), monovalent , Torrentreactor , and many more.

companies millions will have to get used to the change, you can not stop.

Luckily in Latin America is the last bastion free from these legal disputes.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Afternoon Of Darkness Official Guide

Almost New Year with a short message ...

video I just saw

He shared

Adam Reyes, and wrote this:

chipi If you walk half-chipi or sentimental and you want to mourn this video will give you a little help:) Although I think it's
very clear what it claims the video ... many times when our parents are old and old can not remember how much we cared when we were young ... I hope you like the video ... sure we will appreciate more our parents.

Hope you like!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Prominent Veins In Boobs

the good and the bad of Windows 7

Most of the things Microsoft did right this time, but Windows 7 is far from perfect. This is good and bad of the new OS and how Microsoft will end up ruining everything in the end.

do not recommend upgrading to Windows 7 from Vista
is so difficult to update the OS with Windows 7 from Vista, which they say can take up to 20 hours. The consensus among users es que la mejor forma de migrar es con una instalación limpia (léase eliminando todo). Para mí, una instalación limpia en realidad no es actualizar el SO; es solamente poner un SO nuevecito y reluciente en un cacharro viejo de computadora. Una actualización de verdad significa instalar el SO nuevo en un sistema que conserve intactos la información anterior. Todos dicen que Windows 7 no es bueno para esto.

Es bueno para las netbooks
Windows 7 se ejecuta como campeón en las laptops. También le va de maravilla en las netbooks, por alguna razón. El consenso es que el SO también hace maravillas con la duración de la pila. Todas estas noticias son buenas, dado cómo la mayoría people occupying the laptops and / or netbooks today.

Experience is doubtful to play
There are several people who say that Windows 7 does not get along with various games. But Microsoft has long been a company that has been welcomed by them, and therefore we can assume that all game-related problems will be resolved sooner rather than later.

drivers are peculiar
It seems that the drivers are a problem everywhere. I heard that a person accused of overwriting SO good and new drivers with older versions. In this case, if this indeed is a problem will be resolved soon.

Does faster performance?
results have been presented very equal in performance. Some users get the speed of Windows 7 by the clouds. Apparently the word is used too fast. On the other hand, others say it is not so as Vista or even like XP, and have the benchmarks to prove it. Sometimes there is an illusion of speed based on the subroutines access to files. If a folder is opened as it is clicked, it is considered fast but the result is due to the cache. But perhaps the OS is not fast, maybe only smart. However, the final smarter is better, at least better than watching that stupid lamp appears on the screen when the OS examines the contents of a folder.

is nice and comfortable
One thing for sure is that the OS is feature rich, modern and beautiful. Windows 7 has a strong aesthetic appeal without being annoying, intrusive or without trying too hard. The first time I saw the OS, I thought it was a prettier version of Vista. However, after a few minutes I realized it was something new, something different enough and very comfortable. It is comfortable in the same way it was Windows 95 after Windows 3.11. Vista was and still is uncomfortable. Things were not where they were supposed to be and do anything in the OS was a bit like undertaking a virtual hunt. Nothing was like in XP. Nothing was simple. I have always believed that people hate Vista just because the menu system was very confusing. Things got disappeared or arbitrarily menus. If you had not used Windows 95/2000/XP, I guess the thing that the user would have looked good, but people in that situation was little. And in fact they loved Vista. Windows 7

put Microsoft back on the right track. So where do we go from here? Well, if all goes according to Microsoft's traditional pattern, the company preannounced the new OS, which will have a stupid codename Loganberry, Pygmy or Seagull. Executives Microsoft's promise to all sorts of fantastic news that we've all been waiting for. The development of the new OS and will be a year in progress and results will be announced as superior to anything known before. Microsoft will promise the OS to 2013 and will launch in 2014, lacking most of the new pledges. "

Meanwhile, the patches begin to emerge for Windows 7. Most consist of security fixes. Each OS will slow as a turtle until 2011, then Microsoft will get the SP1 to "solve everything." Experts mad with how great it will be Windows 7 SP1, yet complain about how much time it took Microsoft to release.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fire Red Emulator Gameshark List

From afar ... Experiment

I just woke up, I'm using the internet in the house where I stayed (an aunt of my girlfriend) and I remember that from my cel could update the blog, but as I remembered, I will take to do so.

Yesterday was a good day, we went to buy a book I had been wanting to buy, then to a place to bowl and eat (of course, did 4 Chuzas, but I won anyway Silvia), and finally to walk through the center ... ahh! I forgot! also come to a shop Atlas =) I was dreaming of being there, I wanted to buy everything lol, but could not, I just bought a shirt and a pin ...

Today I think we will go to the Marketplace, to see clothes, to see what sticks to us ...

Well, nothing more for the now, I bid you farewell.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Receiver Telephone Earpiece

musical ...

two weeks I have ... and do not write about that, so an experiment ... I will transcribe some of the phrases you hear the new songs ... = S ... yes, I know, there's nothing exciting but I can not think of anything better

hahaha ... Ok, we started!

1 .- "The lion would not have if left shorn hair (Suburban Resistance - The Lion)

2 .-" So much evil in life can hurt you, you try very bad people and not give you account ... a lot of tread on your way to advance, one day you step on something and you're going to slip ... "(RonDamón - Water Tipochi)

3 .-" What you try to hide, if in the end it know? is better off without lies, there is nothing like the truth ... "(Antidoping - Lies)

4 .-" You are cruel when you know love, you is bitterness when tested ... "(Lupita D'Alessio - Punto Coma) \u0026lt;--- WTF?

5 .- "So much time wasted so much hate built up, paying dearly worthless things, paying dearly worthless things ..." (Alika & La Nueva Alianza - I'm going home)

6 .- "If secure fly assholes would plug the sun, I tell you mate, sure would plug the Sun "(The Rakes - Pendejo)

7 .-" And yet I never forgot the fire in your face, yet you never ever call you my heart " (Nonpoint - One love)

Ok, I think with 7

enough ... 7 ... some biblical culture: kabbalistically is said that 7 is the perfect number because:

4 +3 = 7 (4 depicts the creation: 4 seasons, 4 corners, and 3 perfect unity, the trinity), ie the creation when in communion with God comes to a state of perfection ...

holes 7 are also a "head" perfect, two nostrils, two eye sockets, a mouth and two ears, total: 7 ... ...

Well, after that cultural breviary, I say goodbye ...


Monday, October 26, 2009

Denise Milani Boobs Nipple Show

Some designs I did ...

In the company where I work, each year a mini sports tournament, where he played soccer and men's volleyball (this year, the volleyball teams will be mixed), made the call and had good response, as of today there are 7 registered football teams and 4

volleyball ... Total that to motivate a little more to people who registered, I decided to make some designs logos for their teams, when I only made the volleyball, and then will work in the fut.

I leave here:


Athletic Reserves: This team is made up of guards and some transport.


CST: "Quality, Purchasing and Shop", this logo is based on the ISO 9001:2000 logo ...


Killer Chicken: Formed by some of the workers trail, lol, why they chose that name ...

and finally, the team where I am:


Extreme Fusion: Formed by workers from 4 departments: Accounting, Sales, Billing and Organizational Development.

As you can see, I am not a professional designer, but the fight will do ...

Note: this entry was made plain and simple to fill out (hahaha) and I had a long time without writing.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Removing Transfers From Football Shirts

The friend who was (2) A little animation

Again I upload this video ... (previously uploaded on October 18 last year).

One year you're not with us, thank you for what I learned from you and how little or much I shared it ... thanks for the advice, scolding, joys and sorrows but offered especially for the friendship ...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oldest Running Catoon

This animation I saw this morning before I go to work, went on a channel (can not remember which) and I really liked all that I looked on youtube to share with you I hope you like


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sew In With A Bang That Covers The Whole Forehead

Tragedy in Stories

(Written in )

Yeah, I know, the title I chose is somewhat sensationalist, but not how else to call it, because, in my view, if it was a tragedy and nobody told me I was an eyewitness to the facts ...

was Sunday October 4, an ordinary Sunday like many other Sundays, I went to the movies with my girlfriend, function 17:05 ., we left there as at 19:00 hrs., and, as is our custom, every time we left the cinema, going for a ride to the plaza, to see what sticks to us ... 5 minutes later we were going outside the Porrua Bookstore, where I Cánovas found Hector Moreno, Deputy Federal Labour Nayarit, (whom I had the pleasure of meeting in a meeting) and we salute the past, later, outside Oasis (food area), I found aunt and a cousin, we greet, and we were no more than 2 minutes talking because they would go to the movies, go straight, heading for Liverpool , not even imagine that output a nasty surprise waiting for us ...

Leaving Liverpool , we headed Sanborns to get there, use the escalators that are located outside Cinnamon Red (a shoe store and bags for women), to reach them, I drew my attention to a child about 3 years, with a shirt / shirt / white sweater and pants the same color I think that was playing a "push" the band serves as handrails on the stairs ... We

steps, and going more or less in half, we heard a scream from the top, we turned to see what happened, and then we saw :

For some strange reason, the boy was hanging from the railings of the staircase, a man tried to grab (do not know if his dad) but it was too late, the boy fell, the image I have is clear ... I saw the child fall about 3 seconds, but that was enough for me ... my girlfriend got sick from the shock, started shaking, sweating and mourn, mourn far the murmur became widespread, I did not see where he fell, or as was his state because he was holding her trying to calm ... but the feeling came stronger after

... Before we got to the floor and down the stairs, the man who tried to grab the boy came running, but did not stop at where I I imagined it would, but hurried down the stairs from the basement ... ie the boy fell into the basement of the plaza (for have not been fixed, including escalators and "balconies" there is a gap of about 1 meter space through which the child fell.)

Again this occurred on Sunday October 4 at the Plaza FORUM Tepic, at approximately 8 pm, no one told me, I saw him, how do I see? He was in the same stairs! ...

Today is Tuesday, October 6, and local media have said nothing ... I waited to publish anything, even commented, but no ... so I had to resort to write it myself ...

My question is: why not write a note about it? FORUM Tepic "lose customers? Do not want to "tarnish" the image of the square? He was not alone in that moment there were about 100 people out there that we were close, so many witnesses were journalists ... gentlemen, if one were to read this, I ask, why do sometimes write stories or irrelevant questions, insignificant, and when a tragedy happens such they exit ?

do not know what happened to the child, not whether he survived or what state you are, what we do know is that what I wrote was real, and, as I wrote above:


... PS: If anyone knows something occurred, or have any questions, please write to:

velezmx (at) gmail (dot) com

Friday, October 2, 2009

How To Look Less Formal

FORUM Tepic my work ... (2)

Well, I tell them?

... Ahh! I know ... I'll tell you a story that is a fundamental part of the culture of the company where I work ...

As you know, work in a company that is dedicated to breeding and fattening of farm animals (pigs, chickens) ... for so some of the areas the company does not smell something like roses ... you can imagine the smell ...

The smell of the chickens is a strong smell, but bearable ... and the smell of pigs is bearable, but acid acid ... so you get to feel that your nose burns inside (obviously I'm talking about large numbers of chickens and pigs).

Anyway, the legend is that one day was the owner of the company to an outsider to it, the person close to the farms that occurs to him: "That ugly smells ..." to which my answer pattern giving a heavy sigh and a smile: "It smells like money ..."

Maybe it's a simple story, but if you read the background, has a great lesson ... sometimes there are things that we do not like much, but if did not quite simply would not get any benefit from it ...

The next time you hear someone complaining about their work remember that "smells like money ..." and no matter how bad the job, working in the end and comes out and goes ...

(No know if something has a connection with another I wrote, haha, I have a lot of sleep ...)


Friday, September 25, 2009

Rimi Tomy And Kavyamadavan

Predictor Week 10

I tell you:

The company becomes a pool, every week they play an average of 60 workers, 20 pesos per person, gives a total of $ 1,200.00 approx. for whoever wins, tempting is not it?.

So, not to make a long story short, I leave you my predictions to this day, to see how it goes:

VS Cruz Azul Toluca , & # 160, Toluca VS Monterrey
& # 160, Puebla: & # 160; Monterrey
Indians VS Students:
Indians VS St. Louis Jaguars: & # 160; ; Atlas VS San Luis
, Tigers: ; THE
Rojinegros very powerful Pumas VS & # 160; Chivas: & # 160; Pumas VS Queretaro Morelia
& # 160; Morelia VS & #
Santos 160; Pachuca
America Atlante VS TIE & # 160; America

What do you think? "I have a chance?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Infant Viral Syndrome


Tomorrow, Thursday 24 and Friday 25, will be conducting the First Virtual Job Fair in Nayarit.

To participate you must register on the next page:

Once your data entry may find the vacancies that different companies are requiring.

A charge of recruitment and selection, we are asking you to publish vacancies with wages equal to or greater than 2 and a half minimum wages, so if you are looking for a job or know someone who is, at least be earning $ 125.00 a day.

If interested, click on the link above left them or do it to get the information to whom it may concern.


PD: The vacancies will be offered are exclusively within the state, although I think some companies promote to others outside the organization, so sorry for my thousands of readers who visit me from Germany, Hungary and all those faraway places (lol, if not!) but once there will be opportunities for you.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Size Of Denise Milani Breasts

Testing the Cell Back

cuteness I'm installing my new cel and discovered this program called "moblog" that serves to publish entries from any device with windows mobile. To see that such.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scholl And Outlet And Malaysia

blog ...

At the request of my good friend Mosko , I'm back ...

What I can tell? Not so much has happened since I do not write, but anyway here I leave some of the most significant:

1 .- Since the last entry is dated 14 August, I think it's appropriate to say that I no longer work in my previous job, I'm in the company "mother" so to speak (since 22 August), maybe that's the reason I no longer write, the times are different and I hardly have time to write.

2 .- I pay more = D ...

3 .- I buttoned up the front and I dropped a good wool unexpected = D ...

4 .- With the settlement bought a new Samsung i637 cell ... = D ... a little luxury I thought I deserved =). 5 .-

Silvana and I have gone back to the cinema (which had stopped for a while).

6 .- We saw "The most difficult decision" and the "What happened yesterday." Both miss.

7 .- Silvana gave me a Cohiba cigar pa 'celebrate the change of work and salary increase.

8 .- I smoked it the day of the match vs. Mexico. Costa Rica.

9 .- I worked on two Sundays ...

10 .- I was sent to a course of "application of psychometric tests" but veeeeery veeeeery father, now I know that I can apply 6 tests before the hiring decision.

11 .- I have decided to firmly back in the habit of reading, and as a first step, I bought the book "I, the worst" of Monica Lavin ... I looked for a long time and just found it last Monday.

12 .- I hope to write more often on my blog, if you can not, can follow me on Twitter or add me as a friend on facebook . And


for today is everything. Ah! by the way ... QUE VIVA MEXICO! Yesterday I almost cried when he saw my flag waving ... is that no mmn, be Mexican is a great emotion, we must be proud of it =)


We're ready.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Tv Tuner White Screen

Anecdotes of my work ... (1)

Believe it or not, the life of a recruiter is full of risks and thrills ... ok, ok, not so much ... I tell


This week is going to hire a person, so I made the induction process: filling out forms, videos, credentials, bla bla bla ... I was about two hours with person ... my surprise will be that the next day tells me one of my colleagues in the office, at the end the boy fell ill, he took the temperature was 39 ° C oO ...

That day (Wednesday) did not appear very concerned and told me: The

: Raúl, ill kept, bring fever and body aches
Me: Ah! do not worry ... you chequen see that and come back when you feel better, chamba and is safe, do not worry ...
He: Oh well, right now I go to the doctor, to see what he says.
Me: Cheer up, you feel better.
The: Thank you.

me again on Thursday Checked: The

: Raúl, and went to the doctor ...
I: What did he say?
him: That I have Dengue ...
I: = S ...
He: But you shot me, I think that tomorrow I stand ...
Me: Um .... mjm mjm ... ... no ... do not worry ... and you best, as I said yesterday, the chamba already yours, just improve yourself.
The: Okay ... bye.
I: Sale, you are well.

Today the doorbell rang again: The

: Hey Raul, and to sentence me to talk ...
Me: Do not worry, tell me ...
Him: I have no fever, or body cut ... but I are leaving streams of blood from the nose ... and the bleeding does not stop me ...
Me: ...
The: I will wait for me to introduce myself ... remove
Me: Ok, do not worry, here we expect = S ... ...

Monkeys catch a strange disease by direct contact with candidates who will interview may be considered an occupational risk? ... = S ...

then told them about and almost hit me yesterday ...


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nerovision Express Seriel Number

(Posted , with the difference that this will add personal photos)

Last Sunday (day before yesterday), I went to Silvana (who read my personal blog will know who she is) to one meal per the directions of the hill of the cross.

Once there said she had never been to the ruins of Cockaigne, and once the food we were ...

I already had the pleasure of knowing, but I was like 3 years without going ... I would have liked to know a little history of that place, but there was no one to ask or anything ... I think it would be nice to organize something like guided tours every hour (we were like at 6:30 pm not if you visit at another time, but at that time not).

Once in my house I tried to find information online, but found no "official" information, so you better leave them some pictures.

DSC05630 DSC05634 DSC05629 DSC05631


PD. If anyone knows the history of this place, I ask you to please write it in comments.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hair Meed With Dr Miracle

Jauja Ruins My Eyes ...

video I had in my space, hope you like:

= D ...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My 60th Birthday Speech For Free


I tell you:

If there are two things that I do not regret spending my money are the books and movies ...

feel that they are an investment rather than an expense because the books you learn and the movies (if you look good and puts them enough attention) as well. Total

Silvita on Monday and I went to several malls to buy movies to our video library ... and buy the following:

"Men of Honor" Duel of the Titans

"Ice Age" Cheaper
by the Dozen I and II
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
-I be a millionaire.

5 of them were on sale, obviously releases (last two) were more expensive, but I think it was worth the investment.

And I just wanted to tell you that = P ...

Any recommendations you have?


Monday, August 3, 2009

How To Connect Ps3 From Dongle On Vista

Videos Videos old ... (2)


This song brings back memories ... I remember

album "Americana" by The Offspring, is the first I bought with my own money ... I bought it in cassette format (Insert sound of howling wolf here) in a music store that no longer exists ... Here is

of The Offspring: "Why do not you get a job?"


Saturday, August 1, 2009

How To Add Bots In Frozen Throne

The Story of Stuff ...

Raúl Vélez community service ...

Trying to create a little environmental consciousness, I leave these 3 videos which, personally, I do interesting, besides being very well explained, clearly and simplicity.


What do you think? interesting is not it? ...


Monday, July 27, 2009

Knee Brace Closed Patella

Saving My Space ... (1) Mafalda

For those who do not know, I blog before you have had a msn space, if, of those who have a very long finish, something like ... (if you want to read the as before by changing the nombredelespacio raulvelez) ...

So today was remembering what he said in that space, and I think some things deserve to be rescued, so I decided to create this new "section" where do I make the famous art of "copy-paste" and I will share what ever wrote there and I found interesting.

So, I copy and paste:

"Browsing around I found this video,

the outgoing called Ennio Marchetto and

look what he's capable of doing ... . is very cool,

least I liked a lot,

Enjoy! = P "

What do you think?


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sharp Pain In Left Side Of Groin And Pregnancy

Antier Silvita warned him that he needed emergency go to Leon, Guanajuato a meeting of his work ... it was like at 1 am and was back here in Tepic and to 7.30 in the night = S ...


I was for it to central and from there we moved to a store that is near (Soriana) ... went to buy only fresh water, but still I felt like entering a time goofing off.

was when it happened: we the place where the discs and DVDs and I saw him left by the wayside in a shopping cart from others who, I imagine, people are not interested ... it was a pile of DVD's and among them was the "Mafalda: The Movie ... ssssss, in fact, was never in my plans to have, but yesterday that the opportunity presented itself I decided to buy ... coming home from Silvita we saw it and, personally, I did veeeeery father and recommended ... Mafalda, with that tone child characterizes it, makes observations about what's going on around them (as in the story then, but on film).

So if you have the chance to see it, buy it or ask provided, make no mistake ... nothing but asked me not to me = P ... hahaha.

To celebrate I give you a little reflection of that little girl:


(You can read more things I've written about HERE Mafalda )
