Thursday, November 12, 2009

Receiver Telephone Earpiece

musical ...

two weeks I have ... and do not write about that, so an experiment ... I will transcribe some of the phrases you hear the new songs ... = S ... yes, I know, there's nothing exciting but I can not think of anything better

hahaha ... Ok, we started!

1 .- "The lion would not have if left shorn hair (Suburban Resistance - The Lion)

2 .-" So much evil in life can hurt you, you try very bad people and not give you account ... a lot of tread on your way to advance, one day you step on something and you're going to slip ... "(RonDamón - Water Tipochi)

3 .-" What you try to hide, if in the end it know? is better off without lies, there is nothing like the truth ... "(Antidoping - Lies)

4 .-" You are cruel when you know love, you is bitterness when tested ... "(Lupita D'Alessio - Punto Coma) \u0026lt;--- WTF?

5 .- "So much time wasted so much hate built up, paying dearly worthless things, paying dearly worthless things ..." (Alika & La Nueva Alianza - I'm going home)

6 .- "If secure fly assholes would plug the sun, I tell you mate, sure would plug the Sun "(The Rakes - Pendejo)

7 .-" And yet I never forgot the fire in your face, yet you never ever call you my heart " (Nonpoint - One love)

Ok, I think with 7

enough ... 7 ... some biblical culture: kabbalistically is said that 7 is the perfect number because:

4 +3 = 7 (4 depicts the creation: 4 seasons, 4 corners, and 3 perfect unity, the trinity), ie the creation when in communion with God comes to a state of perfection ...

holes 7 are also a "head" perfect, two nostrils, two eye sockets, a mouth and two ears, total: 7 ... ...

Well, after that cultural breviary, I say goodbye ...



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