Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fire Red Emulator Gameshark List

From afar ... Experiment

I just woke up, I'm using the internet in the house where I stayed (an aunt of my girlfriend) and I remember that from my cel could update the blog, but as I remembered, I will take to do so.

Yesterday was a good day, we went to buy a book I had been wanting to buy, then to a place to bowl and eat (of course, did 4 Chuzas, but I won anyway Silvia), and finally to walk through the center ... ahh! I forgot! also come to a shop Atlas =) I was dreaming of being there, I wanted to buy everything lol, but could not, I just bought a shirt and a pin ...

Today I think we will go to the Marketplace, to see clothes, to see what sticks to us ...

Well, nothing more for the now, I bid you farewell.


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