Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ejaculation En Public

Google Chrome for Mac and Linux

As a child, there was nothing more unbearable to see the presents piled under the Christmas tree knowing I could not open them until the morning after Christmas. The Google Chrome team, we had the same feeling as we worked to get ready for Chrome beta versions for Mac, Linux and extensions. It's been a long road, but today we can remove the three main items on the list of wishes of our users.

Google Chrome for Mac (Beta)

We have been working hard to provide a first class browser for the Mac - took longer than expected, but we hope that was worth the wait. Google Chrome We wanted the feel at home on the Mac, so we focused on uniting our clean, simple, with subtle animations and effects to create a fast browsing experience and satisfactory. As you would expect, the speed of Google Chrome for Mac is something we feel very proud. If you have a Mac, install the beta test and check your speed.

Mac Requirements: Intel CPU, Mac OS X 10.5.6 or later.

Download the Desired channel: Beta Then drag the app to the usual place.

Google Chrome for Linux (Beta)

In Google, most engineers use Linux machines, so it certainly was very important to have Google Chrome for Linux. Like Google Chrome for Windows and Mac, we have focused on speed, stability and security, but also wanted high-performance browser that integrates well with the Linux ecosystem. This includes a close integration with native GTK themes, updates are managed by a system package manager standard, and many other features that fit naturally with the operating system.

Linux Requirements: Intel Pentium 4 / Athlon 64 or later CPU, 32 - or 64-bit Ubuntu 8.04 or later, or 32-bit Debian 5. Support For Other Linux distributions is Planned; unpacking the. Deb files work by hand May.

Note: Installing Google Chrome will add the Google repository so your system will Chrome Automatically keep up to date. If You Do not want Google's repository, do " sudo touch / etc / default / google-chrome " before Installing the package. Download and install

the Appropriate package for your system (just Clicking on Should it do the right thing):

Google Chrome for Linux on various topics GTK

We stress the considerable support received from the open source community (open source). More than 50 open source contributors have worked on Chromium and have been a particularly significant help to deliver our Linux version for Google Chrome. For more details of the beta release of Google Chrome for Linux, check out the Google Chromium blog.



Extensions Google Chrome for Windows and Linux (Beta)

When Google Chrome initially launched in September 2008, we knew we wanted you to be easy customize your browser extensions. We also wanted to create extensions easily create and maintain, and preserve the speed and stability of Google Chrome. The Google Chrome extensions achieve these goals: they are so easy to create Web pages as easy to install, and each extension runs its own process to avoid making significantly slow down the browser.

If you use a PC or a Linux machine, you can review the more than 300 extensions in the gallery, including a few extensions quite nice, helpful and friendly. Extensions are not yet in the Mac beta quality, but you can see a preview of those developers in the channel very soon. And if you're a Web developer, you can get more information on how to write extensions for Google Chrome in the Chromium blog.

hope that the betas for Mac, Linux and extensions were some things on your wish list this year. We would like to thank the Mac and Linux users who tested our first version of Google Chrome on these platforms, as well as developers who wrote wonderful extensions for Google Chrome. In case you're wondering what we would like for the holidays, we are always eager to get feedback and why not, a great new extension.

By: Brian Rakowski, Manager Product

For more information about the features of Google Chrome, please visit the Help Center Google Chrome .

For information about the latest updates, see the Google Chrome Blog (English only).


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