Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Infant Viral Syndrome


Tomorrow, Thursday 24 and Friday 25, will be conducting the First Virtual Job Fair in Nayarit.

To participate you must register on the next page:

Once your data entry may find the vacancies that different companies are requiring.

A charge of recruitment and selection, we are asking you to publish vacancies with wages equal to or greater than 2 and a half minimum wages, so if you are looking for a job or know someone who is, at least be earning $ 125.00 a day.

If interested, click on the link above left them or do it to get the information to whom it may concern.


PD: The vacancies will be offered are exclusively within the state, although I think some companies promote to others outside the organization, so sorry for my thousands of readers who visit me from Germany, Hungary and all those faraway places (lol, if not!) but once there will be opportunities for you.


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