Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nerovision Express Seriel Number

(Posted http://tepicense.blogspot.com , with the difference that this will add personal photos)

Last Sunday (day before yesterday), I went to Silvana (who read my personal blog will know who she is) to one meal per the directions of the hill of the cross.

Once there said she had never been to the ruins of Cockaigne, and once the food we were ...

I already had the pleasure of knowing, but I was like 3 years without going ... I would have liked to know a little history of that place, but there was no one to ask or anything ... I think it would be nice to organize something like guided tours every hour (we were like at 6:30 pm not if you visit at another time, but at that time not).

Once in my house I tried to find information online, but found no "official" information, so you better leave them some pictures.

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PD. If anyone knows the history of this place, I ask you to please write it in comments.


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