Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why And When To Masterbate

Giants: Fact or fantasy? Julián Gil

Esqueleto humano

The National Geographic says that photos of the alleged discovery of the skeleton of a giant is just a photo montage.

circulating since 2007 in various news media that reads as follows:

"Translation of Article: Recent exploration activity in northern India, discovered the remains of a skeleton of phenomenal size . This area of \u200b\u200bthe Indian desert is called Empty Quarter.

The discovery was made a National Geographic Team (India Division) with support from the army, because the area is a military zone. The exploration team also found tablets with inscriptions that stated that our Gods of the mythological tradition (Bahman) had created people of colossal size.

were tall, strong and powerful, and for that, putting his arms around the trunk of a tree, could uproot. They were created to bring order among humans, because we spent fighting each other.

One of the sons of Bhima, the Pandava brothers, it is thought that these genes had in him. Later, these beings, with power being given, they turned against the gods and, as result, were destroyed by God Shiva.

Nat Geo's team believes that the remains belong to those people. The Government of India has been isolated throughout the area and no one can access
to it, except the Nat Geo staff. See the pictures and note the size of men with the remains!

Sai - Herta Pfeifer "

Esqueleto humano

Esqueleto humano

Esqueleto humano

Are these photos real? Is a photomontage? If this is a photomontage, "by whom and why?

Some have argued that the original picture refers to a mastodon (Elephant Giant) and not a giant man. If you see two pictures, it seems that the assembly is for the alleged picture of the mastodon and not the other. "Cover-Up? Why? Investigate you. The truth is that the Holy Bible speaks of giants as the one that confronted David who was called Goliath.

Monday, April 25, 2011

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fight with Hector "Macho" Camacho

It was a section for the "Nuestra Belleza Latina," which airs on the Univision channel. The reality show presents the story of several young people who compete in talent to earn $ 250.000 in prizes. It happens that the contestants took a boxing ring to be trained by the ex - world champion Hector "Macho" Camacho. Some participants boxed against each other as part of "reality show." The businessman, actor and model Julian Gil who is also part of the jury in the competition, guest or the ring with gloves on. Then switch or several times with Camacho and apparently conect or hit pretty hard. The boxer's reaction was swift, as it is uncontrolled and attacked or against Gil or making him several blows. Gil sali or the ring shouting "abusive" Camacho, and appeared to be hurt. Gil reproached or was not a real fight and not due or have beaten so hard. To all this, Camacho or affirmed that Gil is a babe. Then, during the competition which airs Sundays at night, made humorous comments about the event.

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The benefits of Goji Juice / Goji Fruit

The goji berry is a fruit product from a plant native to China and spread to Europe. The plant gives a beautiful purple flower and cherry is characterized by its orange color. Reportedly, the juice of the fruit has many properties and health benefits, such as:

-has many amino acids-

has many minerals-Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Chromium, Manganese, Cobalt, Selenium, Cadmium, Germanium.

-has many trace elements

-Antioxidant-Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, and E


-Omega 3 and 6

-Power Fiber


-Fights fungus-Anti Aging

- goji berries macronutrients are carbohydrates (68%)

-Source of essential fatty acids-Contra



Increase energy levels-Regula of sugar-Contra

metabolic disorders, heart disease prevents

-Increases sexual desire


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Twenty Questions Genie

"Tips" for weight loss

p In our page we have shared to variety of fruits and healthy foods that can give us a better lifestyle. Eating healthy is essential for good health by what we share some tips and concepts that can be useful.

-Be consistent

-reduction of fat in the meals-Eat

m to s protein and less carbohydrates

-Consuming less calories than are expended

-Eat lots


-Avoid sugar and flour


-Eat things like fruit, vegetables, milk fat, fiber, whole grains, fish-Making

normal physical activity including the good changes. Making a lifestyle diet. Make

-motion physical activity at least three times a week, at least half an hour.

-Avoid fried potatoes, pasta, rice, soft drinks, sugar-Run

often bike or walk

-Monitor your weight constantly and think of those foods that do not help, so you can remove them from your diet.

-Keep healthy lifestyle and the pounds will go alone.

"Think positive always


Transformar Em South Park

The alleged origin of Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg's legal battles

The alleged creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, I had to meet various demands of people who claim to have been the creators of the idea or have signed contracts with their rightful claim Zuckerberg where half of the shares of the company. Among the claimants are Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, and Paul Ceglie. Though Facebook claims that the allegations are false, has agreed with some of their demanding payment of several million dollars to try to end the lawsuits.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Examples Of Disconnection

The price of the struggle for democracy in Egypt, Yemen and Syria resume
(Photo of the alleged "
silhouette of a jockey riding a pale horse"
which some say is a vision)

Different countries, but similar claims. According to the protesters, they ask is m s to justice and democracy. The result of their complaints have been violence, shooting, fighting and dozens of deaths. At least that was the scene in Egypt, Yemen and Syria. Some have even suggested that the horses of the Apocalypse already here, as the situation in the Middle East plays an important role in eschatological issues. The truth is that the protesters in different countries are not willing to give, nor the rulers.

Win&win Archery Catalog

blood and death, U.S. political leaders along with the White House agree on budget for 2011

After several weeks of negotiations with congressional leaders to the White House reached a deal Friday to avoid í to the government shutdown. As reported by the BBC or :

"Republicans and Democrats agreed to make cuts to the draft 2011 budget by about U.S. $ 39,000 million and adopt a temporary funding measure to avoid the loss of functions federal bureaucracy. "

Some say the debate to resurface in 2012 with challenges to s m difficult. Recent dams in the negotiations are due to different views in the party management of the domestic economy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

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Pia Toscano Surprise elimination of the "reality show" American Idol

s or Being the final nine, the three threatened by PUBLIC p ú were Jacob Lusk, Stefano Langone and Pia Toscano. The first to be saved was Jacob Lusk, being, Stefano and Pia. Before the announcement of the departure of Pia Toscano 22 years of age, by animator Ryan Seacrest, both p ú both public and the jury responded in disagreement. Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler were in shock at the results. The truth is that the p ú PUBLIC made a total boo with the results of which allegedly represent the vote of millions of people in America. Rare, "no? "No votes are supposed to represent the sentiments of the people? In this case it seems that the feeling of the people present there was very different from people at home who cast a vote, at least that's what it can be concluded. Would have to see how the system of American Idol that data collected since the rejection of p ú PUBLIC announced the decision to leave much to say. The truth is that the singer Pia not need to have a first place in the competition because it has guaranteed success for his talent, the support of the fans and judges.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Laura Bozzo stars in her own scandal its "Laura"

is 59 years old, his full name is Laura Cecilia Bozzo Rotondo. It has been released to the PUBLIC p ú through its various programs which bear his own name since 1990. Takes 21 years to the small screen giving away cases of adultery, injustice and abuse among couples and families. Laura Bozzo is an original lawyer Per ú , but living in Mexico. He has been honored by various television channels for his career defending the rights of women. In the same way their country has recognized its social contribution. Call or popular attention since 2000 when maintaining a relationship with Christian Suarez, an Argentine musician much her junior. Laura was connected at some point in her life with former President Alberto Fujimori and Vladimiro. Recently

Laura Bozzo arm or a new scandal Televisa when a live show made her boyfriend Christian Suarez pass the interview room and all í made serious comments in which he claimed to boyfriend on alleged infidelity with a woman named Karina Alvarez, the program Desmadrugados. " According to Laura Bozzo's claims, she had come comments that while she was making your program, your boyfriend may have been in a relationship with another woman. Before jealousy of Laura Bozzo, intimidates orally or your partner with words aloud: "If you've been unfaithful to me, I never see again in your life because you do not play with me! "" I have dignity. " At the words of Laura, Christian or outraged reaction: "Why do I cry? ..." If you want to believe in Frederick Wilkins (producer Laura), is your problem, but I'm not going to forgive, "" If not it was a nice day. "

Faced with this new scandal, the "lawyer the poor "would be living his own case of infidelity, after many years exhibiting and exposing hundreds of similar cases.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Arkaos.vj.v3.6 Blogsopt

rescued dog floating in the sea after the tsunami of March 11, 2011

Tres semanas a la deriva (AFP PHOTO   HO   JAPAN COAST GUARD VIA JIJI PRESS)

The dog was three weeks floating on pieces of wood after the recent tsunami that affected or Japan. The helicopter crew spotted the dog at 2 kilometers from Kesennuma. After an initial attempt unsuccessful rescue by helicopter, made a second attempt by boat managing to reach the animal. The n ú í v number of fatal ctime tsunami exceeds 10,000 and there are thousands of missing.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

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The Lord's Prayer

Jesus said

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on street corners to be seen by men: verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door, pray to thy Father in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee public. And when you pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen, who think that their talk will be heard. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Now you pray:

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done as in heaven, so
on earth.
The day our daily bread, give us today.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is
the kingdom and the power
and glory, for ever. Amen.

(Matthew 6:5-13)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kidney And Heart Palpitations

launched the Nintendo 3DS: 3D

is a new DS handheld system like the XL, however, this new system allows images in three dimensions without the need for glasses. The new system was launched on March 27, 2011 and achieved a price of $ 249.99 (USD). The system has a technology that allows take pictures in three dimensions. With the advent of this new system there are new concerns about the effect it will have to the vision of users because it tends to cause eyestrain and is reported eye pain in users who usually watch movies or games in three dimensions. Address these concerns, the Nintendo company recommends users take a 10-minute break after every half hour. Currently emerging game titles to meet the demand of those who prefer the 3D, among the games available are: Resident Evil : Mercenaries, Thor: God of Thunder, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Pilotwings Resort, Super Monkey Ball and Super Street Fighter IV and III Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

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religious corruption and abuse against children
(Demonstrators protest against the Catholic clergy abuse against or Normal ñ ez)

On March 25, 2011, the BBC news ran a story entitled "Jesuits will pay compensation to victims of sexual abuse in the U.S.", it said that the call "Company of Jesus (Jesuits) agreed to pay a claim over 160 million U.S. dollars to the more than 500 victims of sexual abuse, school most abused by Catholic priests, Jesuit schools in five northwestern states the country. Faced with this horrific reality, Pope Benedict XVI is dedicated to what is to ease into words the horror of pedophilia to defend their corrupt clergy. This certainly is not the church founded by Jesus Christ.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Heart Catheterization Groin Lump

"Pyramid in Bosnia?


Some have tried to deny the report. Others say they have evidence that the largest stone building in the world is in Bosnia. Could be some pyramids in Bosnia much older than the Egyptian? Fiction or reality? In 2005 a newspaper article referred to what appeared be a pyramid in the Visocica hill. There is currently a debate between those who say that it is actually a pyramid and those skeptics. Bosnian businessman Semir Osmanagic has been given the task of exploring the place. The truth is that it has been criticized for historical claims on the spot because it apparently contradicts what is known about the Bosnia story and tries to link the site with the Maya and legendary peoples. Currently there is a program of the Archaeological Park Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation "who have already dubbed the pyramids with the names: " Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun "," Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon "," Pyramid Bosnia Dragon "and" Valley of the Pyramids of Bosnia ". Subsequent research can separate fiction from reality.

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Video of the speech he made to kill John F. Simon Cowell


Under the title "Speech made to kill JFK" presents a controversial video on YouTube where the deceased as president was heading to the public unmasking a plot by secret societies on all platforms of society whose goal is world government. See it and you opine.

Wood For Boat Interior

Kennedy introduces new

The executive of the Sony-BMG Music, Simon Cowell has a new reality show "American. This is a new program very similar to already known talent search show "American Idol." The prize for the winner of The X Factor "this time be to 5 million dollars on a disk recording contract. The new program will have to presentation in September 2011. The contract winner to be produced by a new seal made by Simon Cowell and Sony music (SYCO).

Life Expectancy Stage Ivb Pancreatic Cancer

Questionnaires questions for psychiatry session

Hello everyone.

I attached the link so you can put questions to the speakers at the next session, Drs Immaculate Lever and Carmen Ramos Ramos:

13 April. Classroom 17. Alarm symptoms in child mental health:

look forward to your presence.

Kind regards

Coordination Group Pediatrics AP / Specialized HPHM

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Simple Fish Cake Recipe Egg Free

show growth and development chart for children

In any responsible father is concerned about the development and growth of their children. Here are some important data for your first year you should know.

Growth Charts for children

4,480 2 months

Weight (g)
Length (cm)

Under (3)
Average ( 50)
Alto (97)
Baja (3)
Media (50)
High (97)
36 weeks
2,950 3,820
44.00 47.40 50.80
37 weeks
2,220 3,110
45.30 48.60 51.90
38 weeks
3,230 4,130
46.10 49.80 43.20
39 weeks
2,410 3,330
4,260 47.00
50.30 53.50
40 weeks
2,750 3,510
46.54 50.16 53.78
1 month
3,600 4,400 5,700
50.20 54.00 57.60
4,390 5,380 6,650
3 meses
4 meses
62.25 66.45
5 months
6100 7600 9200
65, 00
6 months
6550 7990 9740
66.74 70.74
7 months
63.80 68.01
8 months
65.11 69.60
9 months
66.70 71.11 75.53
10 months
67.92 72.30 77.02
11 months
68.98 73.65 78.30
12 months
10,150 12,470
70.39 75.01 79.63

growth charts for girls

50.80 51.90 39 weeks months


Weight (g)
Length (cm)

Under (3)
Middle (50)
Alto (97)
Baja (3) Media
High (97)
36 weeks
1,930 2,820 3,700
44.00 47.40
37 weeks
2,120 3,000 3,890
45.30 48.60
38 weeks
2,260 3,150 4,050
45.70 49.10 52.50
2,360 3,260 4,170
46.40 49.60 52.80
40 weeks
2,600 3,300 4,200
45.60 49.10 52.40
3,200 4,300 5,200
49.50 53.10 57.00
2 months
4100 5000 6100
52.90 56.50 60.00
3 months
4800 5700 6900
55.70 58.90 62.20
4 months
5100 6200 7800
58.00 62.00 65.50
5 months
59.80 63.90 67.50
6 months
61.60 65.30 68.80
7 months
63.00 67.00 71.00
8 months
64.10 68.10 72.60
9 months
65.40 69.40 73.40
10 months
66.50 71.00 75.30
11 months
67 , 80
72.10 76.90
12 months

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Talbots And Price Adjustment

April 23: The World Book Day

There are only 25 days for World Book Day. A celebration and tradition that had its beginnings in Catalonia since medieval times when lovers tend to regale roses and in more recent times, only 86 years adopted the practice that women give a book to change in St George's Day . However, since 1996 when the celebration began to take place annually. A very nice initiative promulgated by UNESCO to promote the culture, publishing and copyright and intellectual property. Some countries have changed the name and date this celebration known as "Language Day" or "International Day of the language." Some of the places that have had the privilege of calling "The World Book Capital" have been: Madrid, Alexandria, New Delhi, Antwerp, Montreal, Turin, Bogotá, Amsterdam, Beirut and Ljubljana.

's still time to order your favorite book as a gift for a friend. Which book did give to your friends? Offer the most widely read and sold of all time, ie the Holy Bible. If you like interesting novels about society and politics, have a Snap shot on the novel The resurgence of the swastika Alreich Dino, where the author takes us on a thrilling story about the end times and biblical prophecy. If you like the micro stories of varied themes, browse the book Enemy Fire Carlos Almira. On conspiracy novels I refer Nazis beyond 2012 (Path to a new holocaust) . There are interesting books that have recently been released as is the case Crime Club Miguel A. Gomez and the new novel entitled Keila Ochoa Harris 250 AD, where the author takes us to the time of the persecutions in the Roman Empire. If you love books, you're in time to share with your friends.

Offer something special, give a book.

Hariy Or Shaved Gentials

energy saving / Ecosystems / Environment

Some tips for saving energy at home and protect the environment:

-Let an expert check your wiring and ensure its proper functioning will

-Change home lighting bulbs with 35 watts to spend or less.

-Make sure your home computer is Energy Star

-Place a power and voltage regulator in your home

-Contact the relevant government agency which can replace for free all your household appliances which are Energy Star Governments are replaced free of charge all electrical appliances such as water heaters, refrigerator, air conditioning and bulbs in your home.

-Unplug electronic devices when not in use

-Turn off lights not in use

-Replace your LCD TV for

Amber Lynn With Christy Canyon

Christian literary contest


í d to within the scope to Christian there is not much opportunity for young writers whose songs are novels based on the Bible. Evangelical publishers choose to focus on the books they already have and assessing the new jobs that will send many authors tend to reserve their opportunities for well-known and ensure they advance a great propaganda.

Of the few modern Christian literary contests are existing Group Award Nelson. This is a new initiative to try to promote literature with a message of faith, so certain period a year opens an opportunity for new writers to get them to do their jobs. Since Nelson Group sells both Protestant and Catholic Bibles, the literary contest follows the same line, ie accepts Catholic novels, and are valued by the jury to s m above evangelical novels. An example of this is the award given to Dr . Alvaro Pandiani for his novel "Columns of smoke" that tells the story of a Catholic priest and how it stood against or social reality of an epidemic of yellow fever occurred in Montevideo in 1857. This example would give us a sample opportunities for new writers evangelicals is almost none.

The Christian book market seems to be focused today to tem policies that are directed to positive thinking, self-improvement, visualization, super-modern approaches to faith needs created by new authors who talk of "mapping spiritual, "" prosperity message "Dominionism", "G-12" and other songs that present a stark contrast to the Christian literature that prevailed in previous decades.

Another modern opportunities for young writers it is Viva Award Letter. The prize is "publication in a volume of the 10 best essays and $ 400 for each winning entry." This is an annual call for the network of Latin American evangelical publishers Letra Viva, service agency Editing Christian publishers , the organization for the promotion of Christian literature Media Associates International (MAI), Oaks Ministries, the publisher of Good Seed Colombia , the Peruvian Ediciones Puma , The association of support and training for Christian leadership International Christian Development, the convention of books, music and English-American Christian products Expolit , and Providers Association of Christian Resources ( SEPA).

There is a convention of Christian products called Expolit, where authors, publishers, music labels and various companies evangelical together to present their products to market. In 2011, the convention will bring to out in Miami.

Another of the few opportunities that have the gospel writers to publish their books what is the company Editing Christian where authors can pay for themselves and get their works published. For many young writers almost impossible for the cost of production. However, recently being awarded a grant of about $ 4,000 for the graceful writer who is elected in his new literary competition.

Gospel in the area are very limited opportunities, however, est to clear s t there is an opportunity for those who choose to start new publishing them in the future may bring new opportunities to all authors his books are kept closed to the modern landscape.

If you're a writer you can visit the website of to put at the forefront of modern literary events.