Friday, April 8, 2011

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Pia Toscano Surprise elimination of the "reality show" American Idol

s or Being the final nine, the three threatened by PUBLIC p ú were Jacob Lusk, Stefano Langone and Pia Toscano. The first to be saved was Jacob Lusk, being, Stefano and Pia. Before the announcement of the departure of Pia Toscano 22 years of age, by animator Ryan Seacrest, both p ú both public and the jury responded in disagreement. Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler were in shock at the results. The truth is that the p ú PUBLIC made a total boo with the results of which allegedly represent the vote of millions of people in America. Rare, "no? "No votes are supposed to represent the sentiments of the people? In this case it seems that the feeling of the people present there was very different from people at home who cast a vote, at least that's what it can be concluded. Would have to see how the system of American Idol that data collected since the rejection of p ú PUBLIC announced the decision to leave much to say. The truth is that the singer Pia not need to have a first place in the competition because it has guaranteed success for his talent, the support of the fans and judges.


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