Friday, April 1, 2011

Heart Catheterization Groin Lump

"Pyramid in Bosnia?


Some have tried to deny the report. Others say they have evidence that the largest stone building in the world is in Bosnia. Could be some pyramids in Bosnia much older than the Egyptian? Fiction or reality? In 2005 a newspaper article referred to what appeared be a pyramid in the Visocica hill. There is currently a debate between those who say that it is actually a pyramid and those skeptics. Bosnian businessman Semir Osmanagic has been given the task of exploring the place. The truth is that it has been criticized for historical claims on the spot because it apparently contradicts what is known about the Bosnia story and tries to link the site with the Maya and legendary peoples. Currently there is a program of the Archaeological Park Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation "who have already dubbed the pyramids with the names: " Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun "," Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon "," Pyramid Bosnia Dragon "and" Valley of the Pyramids of Bosnia ". Subsequent research can separate fiction from reality.


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