Monday, April 25, 2011

Customise Your Bmx Bike

fight with Hector "Macho" Camacho

It was a section for the "Nuestra Belleza Latina," which airs on the Univision channel. The reality show presents the story of several young people who compete in talent to earn $ 250.000 in prizes. It happens that the contestants took a boxing ring to be trained by the ex - world champion Hector "Macho" Camacho. Some participants boxed against each other as part of "reality show." The businessman, actor and model Julian Gil who is also part of the jury in the competition, guest or the ring with gloves on. Then switch or several times with Camacho and apparently conect or hit pretty hard. The boxer's reaction was swift, as it is uncontrolled and attacked or against Gil or making him several blows. Gil sali or the ring shouting "abusive" Camacho, and appeared to be hurt. Gil reproached or was not a real fight and not due or have beaten so hard. To all this, Camacho or affirmed that Gil is a babe. Then, during the competition which airs Sundays at night, made humorous comments about the event.


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