Friday, March 25, 2011

Why To Use A Ladies Napkin

What values you teach your children?

While the world is in moral crisis, families are still in time to begin to instill in their children good values \u200b\u200bthat can make human beings and people of good profit. Values \u200b\u200bcan be defined as anything that is considered important, valuable and beneficial for one person.

the Holy Bible says:

"Train a child in the way, and when he is old he will not depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6

often do not hear about them, but they are essential for healthy society.

-quality: superiority and excellence.

-Responsibility: Compliance with the obligations or care to do or decide anything.

-Motivation: to encourage stimulation and interest.

-Honesty: Composure, moderation, respect for moral and social behavior is considered appropriate.

-Unit: TEAM Work, agreement, coordination.

-Creativity: Faculty of creating and original things.

-Equity: Quality that moves to give everyone his due.

-Overcoming: Due an obstacle or difficulty.

-Respect: courtesy, consideration

-Justice: Virtue inclined to give everyone what belongs and do its part.

-Tolerance: Respect for the opinions or practices of others.

-Courtesy: demonstration or act that manifests attention, respect or affection.

You see our children a role model for us? More than words, they expect to see an example of what we say, it is ultimately what will. Within

Christian values, we can find a summary of all this in the states commandment to "love God with all your strength and your neighbor as yourself."


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