Monday, November 29, 2010

Shower Head Masterbation

Greetings all, after the first session, delivered masterfully by Dr. Miralles (whose presentation we hope to upload soon to this blog) lassiguientes conclusions were reached:

  • shortly radiographs may be requested travésdel Selene System.
  • Until then, if needed make unaradiografía URGENT, refer the patient to the request for (traditional) to the emergency department of Pediatrics, where aRadiología Pediatric bypass channel. Once completed, may be viewed through deSelene.
  • report will be sought at all the pictures, aunquesa advised, if you want to report that the request include the solicitudexpresa the same: "Reports". It has take into account that the reports serealizarán weekdays morning.
  • All requests must be accompanied by a summary of legal history of the patient, which losprincipales collected presenting signs and symptoms.
  • So same team to inform seofrece Pediatric Radiology (in the morning shift and days) the radiografíasrealizadas in Northwest Care Management delhospital Madrid but outside. For this reason the parents visiting the emergency room for lapetición Paediatrics and accompanied by their child (if necessary ampliarel study) and from there they will be referred to Pediatric Radiology.

dudasobre For any grounds, may send a message to the following address: docenciapediatria.nadohph @
On the other hand, Dra.Miralles provided to us by email if you wish to contact for any queries Connell :
Kind regards
pediatríaAP Coordination Group / Specialized HPHM


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