Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can You Catch Hand Foot And Mouth Twice

Microsoft Windows to Linux: Linux is at the end of its life cycle

Speaking of Nikolai Pryanishnikov, president of Microsoft in Russia, Linux is not the answer to a national operating system.

In late October we read that Russia wants to develop its own operating system based on Linux to avoid dependence on Microsoft. The holder and said to us all, and the rest of the story detailing such information with investment figures and other data.

The story has continued to evolve and technological means Russians have stopped discussing the initiative. Some comments pointed to the contradiction of wanting to create an operating system itself, when 90% of software is developed outside their borders. Others, such as Microsft President in Russia, Nikolai Pryanishnikov, went further: Microsoft supports

technological neutrality and considers that the choice of an operating system should be based on the operating system more widespread, practical, economically efficient and safe, rather than ideological considerations.

From our point of view, the most effective development of an innovative economy in the country is not create an operating system similar to existing , which will take huge amounts of money and time, based on popular operating systems already found by the Russian security services to create custom applications and solutions, investing in these funds in the promising scientific developments in Russia. Keep in mind that Linux operating system is not a Russian other hand, at the end of its life cycle.
The key is understood, that is what matters, and gives rise to several CONCLUSION: from Microsft are out a lot of millions in investments and do not like the idea as any enterprise with a market and customers.

Poor Russians, and they will fuck with free software.


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