Monday, October 26, 2009

Denise Milani Boobs Nipple Show

Some designs I did ...

In the company where I work, each year a mini sports tournament, where he played soccer and men's volleyball (this year, the volleyball teams will be mixed), made the call and had good response, as of today there are 7 registered football teams and 4

volleyball ... Total that to motivate a little more to people who registered, I decided to make some designs logos for their teams, when I only made the volleyball, and then will work in the fut.

I leave here:


Athletic Reserves: This team is made up of guards and some transport.


CST: "Quality, Purchasing and Shop", this logo is based on the ISO 9001:2000 logo ...


Killer Chicken: Formed by some of the workers trail, lol, why they chose that name ...

and finally, the team where I am:


Extreme Fusion: Formed by workers from 4 departments: Accounting, Sales, Billing and Organizational Development.

As you can see, I am not a professional designer, but the fight will do ...

Note: this entry was made plain and simple to fill out (hahaha) and I had a long time without writing.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Removing Transfers From Football Shirts

The friend who was (2) A little animation

Again I upload this video ... (previously uploaded on October 18 last year).

One year you're not with us, thank you for what I learned from you and how little or much I shared it ... thanks for the advice, scolding, joys and sorrows but offered especially for the friendship ...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oldest Running Catoon

This animation I saw this morning before I go to work, went on a channel (can not remember which) and I really liked all that I looked on youtube to share with you I hope you like


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sew In With A Bang That Covers The Whole Forehead

Tragedy in Stories

(Written in )

Yeah, I know, the title I chose is somewhat sensationalist, but not how else to call it, because, in my view, if it was a tragedy and nobody told me I was an eyewitness to the facts ...

was Sunday October 4, an ordinary Sunday like many other Sundays, I went to the movies with my girlfriend, function 17:05 ., we left there as at 19:00 hrs., and, as is our custom, every time we left the cinema, going for a ride to the plaza, to see what sticks to us ... 5 minutes later we were going outside the Porrua Bookstore, where I Cánovas found Hector Moreno, Deputy Federal Labour Nayarit, (whom I had the pleasure of meeting in a meeting) and we salute the past, later, outside Oasis (food area), I found aunt and a cousin, we greet, and we were no more than 2 minutes talking because they would go to the movies, go straight, heading for Liverpool , not even imagine that output a nasty surprise waiting for us ...

Leaving Liverpool , we headed Sanborns to get there, use the escalators that are located outside Cinnamon Red (a shoe store and bags for women), to reach them, I drew my attention to a child about 3 years, with a shirt / shirt / white sweater and pants the same color I think that was playing a "push" the band serves as handrails on the stairs ... We

steps, and going more or less in half, we heard a scream from the top, we turned to see what happened, and then we saw :

For some strange reason, the boy was hanging from the railings of the staircase, a man tried to grab (do not know if his dad) but it was too late, the boy fell, the image I have is clear ... I saw the child fall about 3 seconds, but that was enough for me ... my girlfriend got sick from the shock, started shaking, sweating and mourn, mourn far the murmur became widespread, I did not see where he fell, or as was his state because he was holding her trying to calm ... but the feeling came stronger after

... Before we got to the floor and down the stairs, the man who tried to grab the boy came running, but did not stop at where I I imagined it would, but hurried down the stairs from the basement ... ie the boy fell into the basement of the plaza (for have not been fixed, including escalators and "balconies" there is a gap of about 1 meter space through which the child fell.)

Again this occurred on Sunday October 4 at the Plaza FORUM Tepic, at approximately 8 pm, no one told me, I saw him, how do I see? He was in the same stairs! ...

Today is Tuesday, October 6, and local media have said nothing ... I waited to publish anything, even commented, but no ... so I had to resort to write it myself ...

My question is: why not write a note about it? FORUM Tepic "lose customers? Do not want to "tarnish" the image of the square? He was not alone in that moment there were about 100 people out there that we were close, so many witnesses were journalists ... gentlemen, if one were to read this, I ask, why do sometimes write stories or irrelevant questions, insignificant, and when a tragedy happens such they exit ?

do not know what happened to the child, not whether he survived or what state you are, what we do know is that what I wrote was real, and, as I wrote above:


... PS: If anyone knows something occurred, or have any questions, please write to:

velezmx (at) gmail (dot) com

Friday, October 2, 2009

How To Look Less Formal

FORUM Tepic my work ... (2)

Well, I tell them?

... Ahh! I know ... I'll tell you a story that is a fundamental part of the culture of the company where I work ...

As you know, work in a company that is dedicated to breeding and fattening of farm animals (pigs, chickens) ... for so some of the areas the company does not smell something like roses ... you can imagine the smell ...

The smell of the chickens is a strong smell, but bearable ... and the smell of pigs is bearable, but acid acid ... so you get to feel that your nose burns inside (obviously I'm talking about large numbers of chickens and pigs).

Anyway, the legend is that one day was the owner of the company to an outsider to it, the person close to the farms that occurs to him: "That ugly smells ..." to which my answer pattern giving a heavy sigh and a smile: "It smells like money ..."

Maybe it's a simple story, but if you read the background, has a great lesson ... sometimes there are things that we do not like much, but if did not quite simply would not get any benefit from it ...

The next time you hear someone complaining about their work remember that "smells like money ..." and no matter how bad the job, working in the end and comes out and goes ...

(No know if something has a connection with another I wrote, haha, I have a lot of sleep ...)
