Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lista Ots Dragon Ball

not leave behind

Certainly we can not imagine a world with great technological and scientific advances in which the conduct of a person, especially a professional or is on the verge of being, that to target people which is realaciona or work eg Excellency Mr. Pedro González, I am pleased to greet the morning ...(¿ exaggerated no?) However, less formal and more courtesy is the philosophy governing the coexistence of people at a time when there is little time to waste with gestures which are, in themselves, the essence of a relationship that has been lost with standards governed by time, others having to do with courtesy, respect human and with good customary to have regained their education today. PROTOCOL

The noun "protocol" comes from the latin protocollum , which in turn derives from the ancient Greek protókolon, which means the first page or cover glued, an important manuscript, with notes on their contenido.De Urbina (2001)


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