Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Waterproof Money Holders

Google Chrome is Good Shit

I had already matured, I thought I had grown up, I thought I had passed .. But No! Google Chrome remains a shit!

Ok, I tried it .. at first it looked great, everyone remembers his global launch what happened? everyone started to uninstall ... it was slow, did not load well, it was heavy, threw errors .. etc

Today I put a post where Google launches Chrome for Mac and Linux platforms, thinking he had matured and improved ... But No! the same disappointment again ..

confirm The Blogger ..


Until Google Chrome not fix the problems with the main pages of the world (Facebook, Youtube etc. ..) may not exceed one, least the same. It will remain aesthetically, functionally wrong.

I'll stick with my Internet Explorer 8 .

Yes, Internet Explorer, so what? linuxero Paju. You can never deny that you did with Windows .. hahahaha


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