Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How To Write A Hypothesis For Dancing Raisins

10 applications that Linux users envy us

This article I liked very much, it's very Windows Blog that I take my hat off to them for their excellent and wonderful blog Windows Defender. But to get to the point, I would say that we have to admit, "Windows is Windows, period," Linux will continue to be a "beta" forever because you can not just "simplify the lives of ordinary people." When it does and can do a "clean and perfect migration from Windows to Linux" I'll change ... the rest are: OUT. -----------------

is not a finger in the eye (really), but to measure again why GNU / Linux, which other hand is an excellent operating system and demonstrate some of their distributions , not just to succeed or get take-tenths the percentage of computer users .
distributions of GNU / Linux are overcoming various difficulties to approach both the home user and the professional . The ease of use by increasingly friendly environments, and support that comes from a very broad user community are two of its main assets. But free operating system shows some gaps are still very difficult adoption more broadly especially with respect to Windows.
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