I tell you:
It was a considered decision, I think if it had been even put me on a diet, the curious thing is that I passed the place where they were promoting the campaign at that time.
was November, the day the bridge 20 (which by official decree became a legal holiday the third Monday of the month, according to art. 74 LFT) had gone to Guadalajara with Silvana, I went on Friday the 13th in the night and returned on Monday 16. Total
me sick when it comes back strongly flu, on day 18 I went to work normally hoping that it was a fad, unfortunately it was not and asked permission to go to the IMSS because I will check for the symptoms that brought well have been dengue or influenza, but it was not a simple flu.
Then, that same day 18, I had to go to the emergency room, because by the time that I did not manage to get my book of quotations (by the way, the person who is in charge of these cards is a nice person taaaaaaaaan * ...) and on Thursday was a normal consultation.
Then when leaving the clinic, I saw the module: "We are on more kilos" and decided on ...
* read sarcastically
continued ...
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