Monday, July 27, 2009

Knee Brace Closed Patella

Saving My Space ... (1) Mafalda

For those who do not know, I blog before you have had a msn space, if, of those who have a very long finish, something like ... (if you want to read the as before by changing the nombredelespacio raulvelez) ...

So today was remembering what he said in that space, and I think some things deserve to be rescued, so I decided to create this new "section" where do I make the famous art of "copy-paste" and I will share what ever wrote there and I found interesting.

So, I copy and paste:

"Browsing around I found this video,

the outgoing called Ennio Marchetto and

look what he's capable of doing ... . is very cool,

least I liked a lot,

Enjoy! = P "

What do you think?


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sharp Pain In Left Side Of Groin And Pregnancy

Antier Silvita warned him that he needed emergency go to Leon, Guanajuato a meeting of his work ... it was like at 1 am and was back here in Tepic and to 7.30 in the night = S ...


I was for it to central and from there we moved to a store that is near (Soriana) ... went to buy only fresh water, but still I felt like entering a time goofing off.

was when it happened: we the place where the discs and DVDs and I saw him left by the wayside in a shopping cart from others who, I imagine, people are not interested ... it was a pile of DVD's and among them was the "Mafalda: The Movie ... ssssss, in fact, was never in my plans to have, but yesterday that the opportunity presented itself I decided to buy ... coming home from Silvita we saw it and, personally, I did veeeeery father and recommended ... Mafalda, with that tone child characterizes it, makes observations about what's going on around them (as in the story then, but on film).

So if you have the chance to see it, buy it or ask provided, make no mistake ... nothing but asked me not to me = P ... hahaha.

To celebrate I give you a little reflection of that little girl:


(You can read more things I've written about HERE Mafalda )
